The gEucalyptus Tree


ISBN BOOK002 Genre: Author:

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About The Book

The mystery of life has intrigued people since the inception of its creation and continues to do so even in technologically advanced societies of 21st century. Anything remains a mystery until its blatant just the way its dark only until rays of light come!

The gEucalyptus tree is story of a whirling mind of a nine year old Neil who is addicted to games, screens and the virtual world which lead him to depression unknowingly. He squalled and bawled , yawled and howled over a ten inch screen-weeny-gadgety.  After a tough ordeal his parents decide to change place to introduce him to a new environment. Little did they know that change of place is going to change everything in little Neils life.

Come join me in this cosmic twisty-twirlety voyage of self-discovery as he treads the path unknown through time tunnel to meet THE SUPREME creator of life over unraveling enigma of friendship & love through time and dime.